About Us

About Us

Our Story

Based in North East England, we harvest and sell the most pure, raw unpasteurised natural honey from our urban bee hives. Our bees spend all day pollinating our local urban green spaces of the North, helping them thrive.

What started with a few rooftop hives…

Health Benefits

We sell raw unpasteurised honey still on its comb. Raw honeycomb is jam-packed with vitamins, enzymes, pollen, and antioxidants. According to many scientists, this natural antioxidant help reduce the risk of you getting diabetes, hear disease, dementia, cancer and many other diseases. The beeswax present in the honeycomb is also very beneficial as it helps in providing fatty acids and alcohols which are very good for the heart and the body. Another benefit of consuming honeycomb and the honey that comes from it is that it helps improve heart health. As mentioned, the fatty acids and the alcohols that a honeycomb and its honey provide you with help in reducing high blood cholesterol levels which in turn helps reduce your risk of getting heart diseases.

Urban Hives

Bees… some can’t live with them, but we all can’t live without them. We are bringing bees into urban areas which is helping us, not only do they provide respite from our increasingly overbuilt environment, but they also play a vital role in the sustainability of our cities by alleviating local environmental issues and by helping to build more resilient cities where food is grown within vicinity, avoiding food transportation. Furthermore, Urban Hives has the ability of bringing communities together in a common social exercise, building community spirit and encouraging people to preserve and maintain public green spaces – which are a key component of a sustainable city.


We are helping our green spaces thrive. Which is needed to promote mental and physical health, and reduce morbidity and mortality in urban residents. Bees contribute to biodiversity by pollinating trees and flowering plants, and forest conservation. Incorporating beekeeping into local planning processes can support reforestation activities that can lead to poverty reduction and sustainable regional development.


We have partnered with The British Beekeepers Association

We protect our city's the urban green spaces


Our honey is approved by Gateshead Certified Kosher

We are 100% Halal Certified

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